Bit Literacy by Mark Hurst Book Summary

Bit Literacy by Mark Hurst Book Summary cover

In “Bit Literacy,” Mark Hurst (Author) offers practical advice for controlling your email and applications on your computer to be more productive and less overwhelmed by the digital world. Hurst begins by discussing the problem of “bit rot,” which refers to the overwhelming number of emails, documents, and other digital files accumulated over time. This “bit rot” can lead to lost productivity and a sense of being overwhelmed.

Data Backup Software Review For 2023

Data Backup Software Review For 2023 cover

Computer backup software is a program that enables users to create copies of their data and store it in a secure location. It can be used to ensure the safety of important files, as well as to restore lost or corrupted data. Backup software can be used for both personal and business purposes.

Using Atom Editor For Writers

Using Atom Editor For Writers

Text editors are used by programmers but have found a place in many writer’s toolboxes. A good text editor allows writers to concentrate on their words and adds other features that help them create and publish their work more efficiently.